"Convention-al" Wisdom: Lessons Learned
Before developing the workbooks, we sat down with a teacher from each grade and asked them two questions: 1) What skill-building practice do children need during the summer, and 2) What are some skills that you would like your child to experience before coming into your class?
After listening and learning from our teachers, we created five (5) levels of workbooks: early preschool through second grade.
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Basic math and number concepts, utilized in a preschool or kindergarten classroom, set the foundation for learning more advanced math concepts. Early exposure to math and number activities will promote your child’s comfort with these skills. As early exposure to letters and sight words help children feel confident that they are “readers”, early writing opportunities give children confidence that they are “writers”; and exposure to math skills help children feel like they are "mathematicians".
We think numbers and counting are some of the easiest concepts to imbed naturally into almost any activity. Whether you are using our yearlong curriculum or not, we wanted to show you simple ways to integrate counting into your classroom or daily routine.
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Literacy Stories & Flip and Reads
As we created The Reading Corner curriculum, we sat down as a team and decided which sight words children should know; in what sequence they should be written; and how often we should introduce new words. Literacy Stories follow the Sight Word scope embedded in our yearlong curriculum. The sentence strands get a little longer as the stories develop.
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Writing Lessons For Your Preschooler
Writing is the glue that cements the mastery of oral language and reading for the child. This is why it is so important that children not only learn to write, but learn to see themselves as writers.
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